Query execution
Default slicer execution: Default slicer Execution will ensure that changing any value in a slicer the report will be re-executed. This could be nice to turn off while in pure development. This option can also be toggled at the slicer properties
Default selection Tree Execution: Default selection Tree Execution will ensure that changes in the selection pane will re-execute the report.
Default visualisation: Default slicer that will be selected when adding a value to the slices in the selection pane
Default Drill-through Rows: Default amount of rows that are returned while using actions
Report Layout
Default view: Default screen that is selected when creating a new bioXL file
Query options
Query size warnings: This feature will allow users to supress warning messages on selecting a large volume of rows.
As mentioned I have allready explained the default query model. Navigate to this post by clicking the following link . Default value for rows & columns